Working Paper

Friend, Not Foe - Energy Prices and European Monetary Policy

DIW Discussion Paper

Is There an Information Channel of Monetary Policy?

DIW Discussion Paper

Hicks in HANK: Fiscal Responses to an Energy Shock

CEPR Discussion Paper DIW Discussion Paper

Income Business Cycles

DIW Discussion Paper


More Publications

(2024). Weather-related Disasters and Inflation in the Euro Area. Journal of Banking and Finance, 169.

Published Version DIW Discussion Paper

(2024). Active or Passive? Revisiting the Role of Fiscal Policy During High Inflation. European Economic Review, accepted.

DIW Discussion Paper

(2024). A HANK2 model of Monetary Unions. Journal of Monetary Economics, forthcoming.

Published Version CEPR Discussion Paper DIW Discussion Paper

(2019). Exit expectations and debt crises in currency unions. Journal of International Economics, 121.

Published Version

(2019). Same, but different? Testing monetary policy shock measures. Economics Letters, 184.

Published Version

(2016). Monetary-fiscal policy interaction and fiscal inflation: A Tale of three countries. European Economic Review, 88, 158-184.

Published Version Cite

(2016). On the low-frequency relationship between inflation and public deficits. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 31(3), 566-583.

Published Version

(2016). Nested models and model uncertainty. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 118(2), 324-352.

Published Version

(2015). Monetary policy and the transaction role for money. Economic Journal, 125(587), 1452-1473.

Published Version

(2014). Toward a Taylor rule for fiscal policy. Review of Economic Dynamics, 17(2), 294-302.

Published Version

(2013). Reconciling narrative monetary policy disturbances with structural VAR model shocks?. Economics Letters, 121(2), 247-251.

Published Version

(2012). Pre-announcement and timing: The effects of a government expenditure shock. European Economic Review, 56(3), 373-388.

Published Version


Current Teaching

Winter term: Monetary theory (B.Sc.)


Summer term: Advanced Macroeconomics Analysis II (Ph.D.)

Past Teaching

  • Applied Macroeconometrics (B.Sc. / M.Sc.)
  • Bayesian DSGE Model Estimation (Ph.D.)
  • Dynamic Macroeconomics (M.Sc. / Ph.D.)
  • Interactions of Fiscal and Monetary Policy (M.Sc.)
  • Introduction into Quantitative Macroeconomics (B.Sc.)
  • Monetary Economics (B.Sc. / M.Sc.)
  • Monetary Macro and Beyond: Faust II (B.Sc.)
  • Topics in Macroeconomics (Ph.D.)
  • Frontier paper in Macroeconomics (Ph.D.)
